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    الآن حرر الرامة وخلى الجهاز يبقى صاروخ


    عدد الرسائل : 31
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    تاريخ التسجيل : 02/04/2008

    الآن حرر الرامة وخلى الجهاز يبقى صاروخ Empty الآن حرر الرامة وخلى الجهاز يبقى صاروخ

    مُساهمة  yasser_h89 الأربعاء أبريل 16, 2008 8:01 am

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    CyberLat RAM Cleaner 2.3.2

    بتعانى من بطء جهازك الرامات الضغط عليها عالى
    الانتى فيرس متقل جهازك جدا
    الحل فى هذا البرنامج الرائع
    الذى يحرر الرامات من الضغط وبالتالى
    يقوم باعطاء مساحة اكبر للذاكرة للعمل
    معلومات اكثر

    How Long Does It Take To Free Memory?

    Just few seconds (or less), depending on the amount of memory you want to be cleaned. Also the available RAM, the total RAM you have and your processor speed may delay the process.

    How Often Should I Use It?

    That is up to you, but definitely when your free memory nears zero, or when you want to set a minimum level of free RAM.

    Is It Dangerous To Free Ram?

    No. When your computer needs more memory, after the RAM is used up, it uses the hard disk. Besides your system works faster when it has enough free RAM for its needs.

    What Else Ram Cleaner Is Able To Do For Me?

    The new version also will help you to have a full control over the applications that are launched every time you start windows, so you'll decide whether or not to execute certain programs automatically when you start your windows session.

    You'll have also the beta version of Task Cleaner which was added to RAM Cleaner, letting you watch all current processes (programs executions), setting priorities, and even freeing memory by killing them.


      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأحد نوفمبر 24, 2024 8:44 am